Estimates show that up to 20 percent of American adults fear going to the dentist. Difficult past experiences, embarrassment over dental neglect, multiple and complex procedures–they all contribute to anxiety and nervousness. Dr. Joe A. Provines of Peninsula Center for Implantology in Sunnyvale wants his patients to stay relaxed through the use of expert sedation dentistry.
What to do about dental phobia
Dr. Provines and his caring staff offer many ways to put their patients at ease when faced with complicated or multiple dental treatments such as tooth extractions, periodontal care, and other restorative procedures. After examining and diagnosing the patient’s oral health issues, Dr. Provines adds Sunnyvale sedation dentistry into the individual’s treatment plan. He carefully ensures a correct and effective choice by noting the individual’s medical and surgical history and any medications he or she is currently taking.
Sedation dentistry options include nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, oral conscious sedation and IV general anesthesia. All ensure a comfortable dental experience, and Dr. Provines and his staff fully monitor their sedation patients’ vital signs and levels of consciousness as medication is administered.
Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a well-respected and long-used sedation choice. Appropriate for lighter procedures such as fillings or periodontal scaling, laughing gas gives the patient an almost euphoric feeling. Fully awake and able to respond to verbal commands, the individual receives the gas through a fully adjustable nasal mask. After the procedure, the sedation quickly wears off, and the individual may drive himself home from the dental office.
Oral conscious sedation is administered in pill form. Taken at home prior to the dental appointment at the Peninsula Center for Implantology, oral conscious sedation tranquilizes the individual so he is calm and relaxed.Common oral sedatives include Ativan, Valium and Halcion, among others.
Oral conscious sedation confers a very sleepy state on the individual, and in fact, many patients nap and do not remember their procedures afterwards. As such, a friend or family member must drive the patient home from his appointment.
IV sedation, or general anesthesia, is best for the most difficult of dental procedures such as oral surgery or multiple tooth extractions. It allows the anxious patient to be completely unconscious and helps individuals with special needs to receive the care they need. IV sedation, administered through a needle in the arm, helps people who are very sensitive to pain to be still and comfortable. The medication may be adjusted up or down as needed, and Dr. Provines and his professional staff monitor the individual’s heart rate, respirations, and level of consciousness while the sedation is administered.
Your Sunnyvale sedation dentist will help you relax
Why suffer, and why put off your important dental treatments? Dr. Joe A. Provines and his team partner with anesthesiologist, Dr. Philip Yen, to ensure the best sedation dentistry available in the Sunnyvale area. Contact the office today to learn more about how painless and fear-free dentistry can be.